Food Processing Line and Breakfast Cereals

2022/10/26 08:43

With the launch of this innovative mixed cereal, such as nut cereal, fruit cereal, fruit and nut cereal, it is loved by many young consumers. Under the influence of the popularization of the concept of healthy and light food, many young consumers choose healthy, delicious and convenient oatmeal meal replacement products for breakfast.

Innovative mixed cereal products such as nut cereal, fruit cereal and fruit nut cereal have become the choice of many young consumers due to their rich fruity aroma, crisp taste, healthy and balanced nutrition, sweet and sour taste, and convenient consumption. It is understood that this type of fruit and nut oatmeal mainly includes oatmeal flakes, dried fruit and nuts. It seems simple, but in order to keep the oatmeal delicate and soft, the fruit grains are sweet and sour and full of grains, and the nuts are crisp and refreshing, processing technology and equipment are required. Work harder.

At first, most of the oatmeal went through a high-temperature baking process. Under the action of high-temperature baking and maturation, the oatmeal has a full flavor, but the nutritional components of the oatmeal are seriously damaged under high temperature conditions. In recent years, with the improvement of baking processing technology, low-temperature baking technology has begun to be widely used in the processing of fruit and nut cereals. The oatmeal is roasted and matured at a low temperature, without destroying the original nutrition of the oatmeal, and maximizing the freshness and nutritional integrity of the oatmeal ingredients.

The fruit granules in the fruit and nut cereal are made by using the advanced vacuum freeze-drying technology. The fruit granules are frozen and crystallized into a solid state at a low temperature, and then the water is removed by temperature-controlled sublimation in a vacuum environment, leaving a water content of 3%-5%. % fruit grains. Compared with the traditional high-temperature drying process, the vacuum freeze-drying technology will not damage the original flavor and nutritional value of the fruit grains, and fully retain the nutrition and original, aroma and taste of the fruit grains, so that the fruit and nut cereal has a sweet, sour and crispy taste. 

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