Technical process of food puffing extruder

2022/11/10 16:12

Puffed food refers to the food in which the volume of raw materials such as grain or protein is expanded many times after being processed by puffing extrusion machinery, and the internal organization becomes a porous and loose sponge-like structure.

In a broad sense, puffed food refers to any food that uses technologies such as frying, extrusion, sand frying, roasting, and microwave as the curing process, and the volume increases significantly before and after the curing process.

There are two methods for food puffing: one is to use rapid heat to rapidly vaporize the water; the other is to suddenly depressurize the water-containing raw materials during high-pressure heating. Expansion is to use the principle of phase change and the thermal pressure effect of the gas to make the liquid inside the processed material rapidly heat up, vaporize, pressurize and expand, and rely on the expansion force of the gas to drive the structural denaturation of the macromolecular substances in the components, so that it has Characteristic of the reticular tissue structure, the process of shaping the porous substance.

db40c3db1696db12dde54d48c724c3b5.jpegCooked or semi-cooked, puffed or non-puffed food, which is continuously formed by the food material passing through a template under pressure, is called "extruded food".

The food produced by the screw extruder is the extruded food. The screw extruder can produce both puffed food and non-puffed food. The puffed product is a porous structure and can be eaten after drying; the non-puffed product is a semi-finished product, which needs to be roasted or fried to expand , Consume after seasoning. In a narrow sense, extruded food refers to puffed food produced by an extruder, that is, extruded puffed food.

As a new type of food processing technology, puffing technology has developed rapidly. As early as 1856, Ward in the United States applied for a patent on food puffing technology. Modern food puffing and extrusion technology began in the 1930s, and the extruder was first used in the production of cereal instant foods. By the late 1940s, extrusion technology was gradually expanded to other food fields. In the 1950s, extruded animal feed made of grains, oils, proteins, seasonings, and semi-dry foods appeared. In the 1970s, extrusion cooking machines were used to produce flaky or silky chewy soybean meal products as meat supplements, that is, "artificial meat".

Jinan DAYI Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful city of Jinan. The company has been engaged in the research and development of food production line machinery and production technology for a long time, the company's standard production technology, the operation concept of automatic control, and the focus on the development of stable and reliable production equipment. The company's designers have long-term experience in design, development, debugging and production, and have responsible on-site engineering personnel engaged in production and debugging work, and can provide you with standardized design, production, and debugging processes.