Characteristics of different types of food puffing extruders

2022/11/07 11:10

What are the characteristics of single-screw extruder, twin-screw extruder and different extruders?

There are more and more puffed foods on the market, and various puffed feeds are introduced. The characteristics of several puffing machines are introduced. The puffing machine can be mixed with one or more of flour, rice flour, starch and miscellaneous grains, and adopts single-screw extrusion, The unique process of high temperature puffing, the raw materials are widely used, the operation is convenient, the energy consumption of the puffing machine is low, and the output is high.

Features of single-screw extruder The screw is composed of a shaft connecting screw units of various structures. The whole screw consists of three sections: feeding section, kneading section and melting and homogenizing section. After the material enters the barrel from the feeding port, it undergoes the process of solid conveying, melting and homogenization in the screw, so that the material changes from a loose state to a continuous plastic dough.

The single-screw extruder has a relatively simple structure and relatively low price. Its development is relatively early, the technology is relatively mature, and the equipment is stable. It has been used as the main equipment in the production of extruded aquatic feed for more than 40 years. It is widely used in Romania In the production of low-protein adult fish feed for non-fish, channel catfish, grass carp, common carp, etc. In addition, in the production of low-grade feed such as fish feed for pond polyculture, the single-screw extruder has obvious advantages. The raw material does not need to pass through ultrafine powder, and 95% of the particle size can pass through 30-50 mesh, which greatly reduces equipment investment costs. Improved production efficiency.

Features of twin-screw extruder The multi-screw extruder is developed on the basis of the single-screw extruder. In the barrel of the twin-screw extruder, two screws are arranged side by side, so it is called twin-screw extruder. Press extruder. According to the relative position of the screw, it can be divided into meshing type and non-meshing type. The meshing type can be divided into partial meshing type and full meshing type. According to the rotation direction of the screw, it can be divided into two types: co-rotation and reverse rotation. It can be divided into inward and outward.
